Yvette Jaminon

Welcome in my ield
As a high-level transformation coach,
healer and channeller I guide individuals in their personal and spiritual development.
Spirituality & Self mastery

In our essence, we are pure love, pure consciousness.
As a high-level transformation coach, I open and activate people into new levels of consciousness, helping them remember who they truly are in essence.
After feeling trapped in uncertainty, fears and pains for years, while simultaneously always felt a deep connection to my pures essence, I chose the path of self-development and rising my consiousness.
From my human experience, I felt deeply unhappy. But from my pure essence, I felt the richness, the deep love of life.
I transformed my deepest pains that where unabeling me to emobdy my pure essence. From there, I am able to flow in everything that I am, deeply connected with joy, passion, sensuality.. And always into constant expansion.
Transformation brought me a profound awakening to the remembrance of who I truly am. Beyond the layers of personality, beyond attachments to roles and identities, I remembered who we are in essence, beyond the experience of the ego.
From essence, we are pure love, pure consciousness. Remembering and deeply embodying this truth has been a game-changer for me, allowing me to feel truly free, empowered, to trust my heart blindly, and to be deeply connected with everything that I am.
Inner and energetic work is a daily part of my life. It continuously awakens me to new levels of consciousness, helping me reach new heights and embody my highest potential. It provides access to information that consistently expands my mind and heart in new levels of love and abundance.
The more I awakened, the more my soul's mission came to the forefront. My gifts and talents opened up, and I was guided by my essence to embody what I am here to bring to the world. That is to help others remember who they truly are and activate their consciousness. To help people see their true value and embody their beautiful light.

What can I do for you?
The Awakening Experience
The Awakening Experience is a transformative journey of 12 weeks that opens and activates you into new layers of consciousness.
During this program you will shift limiting beliefs, programs and patterns so that pains, uncertainties, and fears will no longer stand in the way of stepping into your beautiful Essence.
You will transform into your next level and higher potential, experiencing life from a richer perspective, full of joy and passion for life.
Through weekly masterclasses, exercises, Q&A sessions, transmissions, meditations, activations, visualizations, and so much more...
1-to-1 coaching
Guidance in your spiritual and personal awakening. A beautiful 1-to-1 journey of 4 to 6 months where you will heal blockages, fears and beliefs and discover a treasure trove of new pearls within yourself.
We will dive deep and reach new heights to help you awaken into your next level, your higher potential.
You will gain new insights and adopt new perceptions. You will begin to see the world from a place of love, possibilities, and opportunities. This will allow you to fully step into your light and pursue what makes you happy.
I don't take new clients at this moment, but never hesitate to reach out!
Master Healer
Next Level Healingship.
The online workshops Level 1, 2, & 3 are designed to take you to your next level in healing.
You will gain access to new healer qualities that will expand your consciousness, raise your frequency, and enhance your healing abilities.
You can apply these skills for yourself, your loved ones, your clients, the planet, and other dimensions.
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